Our Price Match Guarantee

At Trojan Pool Services we know our prices are so good that we offer our customers a Price Match Guarantee so you know you will always get the best deal every day.

If you happen to find a cheaper advertised price on an identical stocked item that’s in stock with our competitor – even if it’s on sale, we will not only match it, but we will also give you 10% of your purchase price back in store credit for your next purchase with us.

Excludes stock liquidations, customer special orders, contract pricing and competitor clearance products.

How do I redeem my price match and 10% voucher?

You can redeem the Price Match Guarantee by visiting your local Trojan Pool Services store.

What can I use my Trojan Voucher on?

There are no limitations on how you use your Trojan voucher. Feel free to use it across our entire range of in store products from chemicals, filters, cleaners, toys etc.